

Upon payment of a one-off joining fee and thereafter an annual subscription, Members of the Club receive an allocation of points. you then simply trade these points for days in cars. All costs related to owing and operating the cars are covered by the subscription fee. The only costs for the Member are petrol and other sundries.

How does the point system work ?

A Member's access to the Club cars is regulated by the manner in which he or she uses his/her allocation of points. The operation of the system takes into account three dimensions:

- Time of the year (Winter : 2 points / rest of the year : 3 points)
- The day of the week (weekday : 2 points / weekend : 4 points)
- The band of the car. They are banded from 1 to 6. Take a look at the ‘Stable’ section for a full listing.

The number of points used up by a Member on any given booking instruction is calculated by means of the following formula :

Car band X Season X Day of the weak

For example, a booking instruction for the Club's Triumph TR3A (band 3) on a winter (2 points) weekday (2 points) would only use up 12 points :

3 X 2 X 2 = 12 points

Alternatively, a booking instruction for the same car on a winter (2 points) weekend (4 points) would use up :

3 X 2 X 4 = 24 X 2 days = 48 points

On average, Members achieve around 20 days use per year, although far greater usage is achievable by judicious points usage.

Membership points and access packages :

Membership is renewable on a yearly basis, however, should you decide the club isn't for you for any reason you have no obligation to continue beyond the year.

Membership packages :

Private package : 400 points - € 1.850

Corporate package : 800 points - € 3.000 (reward program - call us for details)

Joining fee :

There is a one time club joining fee of € 350 on silver membership package